Thursday, December 12, 2013

Japan Trip 2

Long time see.

This is the start of the second Japan trip blog. I never did properly wrap up the first one but hopefully I can complete this one properly.

After going to the midnight premier of the new Hobbit movie last night, having 3 hoursk of sleep, getting up at 5, paying through the teeth for a cab to the airport from the Vancouver ferry,  we are now somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. 

Charles behaved quite well the whole time,  probably due to all the different things to distract him along the way. we managed to keep him from napping until we were taxing to take off just as planned. 3 hours later hes still passed put.

He got a free Spiderman balloon at the airport to play with. He also got his picture with santa for free as well (picture for that to come later).

6 more hours until Tokyo.....

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